Wednesday, June 17, 2009


We needed to incorporate a membrane around the machine to encase the roots and construct a constraint for them to grown inside.

The membrane could be attached to the discs that form the growth of the roots which expand and retract creating the desired shape.

At first we tried condoms and found the latex was stretchy and waterproof and worked well in creating the membrane we were looking for. We bought a range of types, extra big ones, regular, super thin and a range of colours to find the right one. The extra big ones were quite well sized but had a yellow tint to it. The super thins fit well and were a good translucency to see to the exterior. The coloured ones were not suited in considering the compositon of the machine as a whole, as they were red, green and orange in colour.

We also looked into fabric materials such as lycra and nylon. We found a small mesh sheet that held a form well but did not hold water well, which was the same problem with lycra.

silicone sheet made of bathroom sealant.

potential mesh to create skin for roots. the main problems were that it was not watertight and was not particularly stretchy.

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