Wednesday, June 17, 2009

But why?

As unlikely as Produce seems and as far from a viable product as it may be, the project raises some interesting issues and challenges. There is a growing awareness of just how unsustainable and disposable our consumer society has become. Our results were generated in a short time and while constantly experimenting, failing and succeeding. However, with a bit more resource and time I think the results could be surprising. We have discussed how different roots develop different forms for different tasks, how roots will change their architecture in to suit nutrient regimes. It is not unfeasible to imagine having the knowledge to create a system that would provide the perfect growing environment to produce an aesthetically engaging housing for your USB stick, MP3 player or garage door opener. If it were possible to control cell size and therefore durability when dried out it could be possible to make any manner of item that would once have been a piece of plastic, but is now biodegradible, grown under your kitchen herbs on your windowsill. Maybe...

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