This a small presentation we made to show to potential sponsors such as the sustainablilty trust, te papa, wellington city council and switched on gardener. apparently there is not a lot of money to spend on projects like these because of the recession, so unfortunately no sponsorship.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
things i did - matt jer
things i did:
+ initial research at the beginning
+ graphic presentation to show to potential sponsors, however did not get any.
+ went to the metal laser cutting place
+ blogged the progress and development of the project
+ laser cut the pieces for machine and mechanisms
+ machined parts for the base of the machine
+ was around for general helping
+ initial research at the beginning
+ graphic presentation to show to potential sponsors, however did not get any.
+ went to the metal laser cutting place
+ blogged the progress and development of the project
+ laser cut the pieces for machine and mechanisms
+ machined parts for the base of the machine
+ was around for general helping
Monday, June 22, 2009
what I did
In this project I :
helped to work out details of how the mechanism ‘aperture’ worked.
made prototypes of the mechanism
helped solidworks the machine parts to then laser cut them
Put together the mechanisms for the moving machine
Put together the final machine with help
went out to the metal laser cutting place
did lots material tests for the membrane
helped Matt Jer to write up a few blog posts at the beginning
in meetings I tended to sum up and then delegate
also went on plant/root finding missions
did some initial research
made some of the printed products.
Talked to people
Did a small amount with sponsorship but it came to nothing
Was there to do general stuff
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
But why?
As unlikely as Produce seems and as far from a viable product as it may be, the project raises some interesting issues and challenges. There is a growing awareness of just how unsustainable and disposable our consumer society has become. Our results were generated in a short time and while constantly experimenting, failing and succeeding. However, with a bit more resource and time I think the results could be surprising. We have discussed how different roots develop different forms for different tasks, how roots will change their architecture in to suit nutrient regimes. It is not unfeasible to imagine having the knowledge to create a system that would provide the perfect growing environment to produce an aesthetically engaging housing for your USB stick, MP3 player or garage door opener. If it were possible to control cell size and therefore durability when dried out it could be possible to make any manner of item that would once have been a piece of plastic, but is now biodegradible, grown under your kitchen herbs on your windowsill. Maybe...
How Do Our Forms Develop?
Roots find there way around obstacles, such as our forms, in much the same way that we navigate in the dark. In an as yet unpublished study a group at Norwich University have identified a self reinforcing cycle that facilitates forward march. The tips of the advance roots contain a hormone RHD2 , this creates free radicals that stimulate the uptake of calcium (Ca). Ca in tuen stimulates the activity of RHD2, therefore increased free radicals, increased Ca and so forth. When the root tip incounters an unpassable obstacle, the Ca uptake is halted, thus breaking the cycle. Growth will then start elsewhere until the obstacle is passed. Ah, nature! By creating a form through our interface, the user is selecting where these obstacles will be and therefore how the root mass will form.
Root progress
Root Architecture Manipulation
Given the importance of plants it is no surprise that there is endless research into their biology. One aspect that seemed relevant to our project was studies into the factors that affect root architecture. Phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) deficient soils have been shown to increase root growth in certain botanical families. These are essential elements for plant survival and so if they are not readily available the plant produces more roots to locate them.
Furthermore, certain families produce proteoid roots. These are dense, tight clusters of roots that form under certain conditions. While they increase the surface area for nutrient uptake they appear to be more than passive. Often in poor soils there are still mineral P that has bound to metal cations. Proteoid roots actively mobilize P, Fe and other elements that are bound in soils. This is facilitated by secretion of organic anions, especially citrate. In one study when a lupin species was grown in calcareous soil the proteoid root developed clusters of white calcium citrate. This raises the possibility of intimately controlling the growth and composition of a root system, while still maintaining a healthy plant body.
Shane, MW & H Lambers. 2005. Cluster Roots: A curiosity in context. Plant and Soil 274: 1001-125
Watt, M & Evans, JR. 1999. Proteoid Roots. Physiology and Development. Plant Physiology 121: 317-323
Zhou J, et al 2008. OsPHR2 Is Involved in Phosphate-Starvation Signalling and Excessive Phosphate Accumulation in Shoots of Plants1[C][W][OA] Plant Physiology, Vol. 146:1673–1686,
Furthermore, certain families produce proteoid roots. These are dense, tight clusters of roots that form under certain conditions. While they increase the surface area for nutrient uptake they appear to be more than passive. Often in poor soils there are still mineral P that has bound to metal cations. Proteoid roots actively mobilize P, Fe and other elements that are bound in soils. This is facilitated by secretion of organic anions, especially citrate. In one study when a lupin species was grown in calcareous soil the proteoid root developed clusters of white calcium citrate. This raises the possibility of intimately controlling the growth and composition of a root system, while still maintaining a healthy plant body.
Shane, MW & H Lambers. 2005. Cluster Roots: A curiosity in context. Plant and Soil 274: 1001-125
Watt, M & Evans, JR. 1999. Proteoid Roots. Physiology and Development. Plant Physiology 121: 317-323
Zhou J, et al 2008. OsPHR2 Is Involved in Phosphate-Starvation Signalling and Excessive Phosphate Accumulation in Shoots of Plants1[C][W][OA] Plant Physiology, Vol. 146:1673–1686,
By using roots as packaging and a means of determining form, our printer has certain limitations but also yields very intricate, detailed and beautiful products. Due to the amount of time it takes for mint root to take the shape of a mold, our printer is best suited for smaller electronic products such as mp3 players or cameras. The natural aesthetic inherent to the roots contrasts nicely with electronics and makes for an unexpected yet beautiful product. The roots provide holes for lights to shine through, making the products come alive in the dark.
To determine the shape that the roots will take, our machine will adjust the diameter of the mold at certain increments along its central axis. The movement is very similar to that of a camera aperture. As the machine spins, the diameter increases or decreases. The roots will be bound with an elastic and pliable clear material. With time, the roots are meant to grow into the shape of this elastic material. The density of the root structure within the product can be increased by simply leaving the plant in the mold for a longer period of time.
We intend for the plastic pieces of the machine to form the framework and structure for the product. Much like a vine will grow around a lattice framework, our roots will grow around the plastic pieces, binding the electronic pieces to the product. By placing nutrients at certain points in the water reservoir we can train the roots to grow where we need them to.
So far we have been able to produce a few small electronic products using our theory of growing roots. We have created a small mp3 player and a night light. Our roots are able to compact well around the plastic framework and can make for a very solid product. This can be seen in our mp3 player. In contrast, we also have the ability to make products that are less dense and compacted. While these objects might be more delicate, they offer a very interesting aesthetic when combine with lights. An example of this can be seen in our night light.
Thinking Ahead. A wee Bit.
With Produce we are suggesting a product made from the roots of plants. As strange as it sounds it is not at all imposible and has several positive potentials. The worlds population is dependant on food crops. You can only get so far on steak and Twisties. If vast and efficient hydroponic operations could produce these crops and the root architecture modified to make various products then not only a food supply issues addressed, but we can have phones and such made from a tangle of roots! Biodegradable. And possibly theft proof. Just a thought.
Types of Roots
Initially undifferentiated root cells grow downwards to establish a base of primary growth. This growth is the result of the apical meristem and is primarily for elongation. Secondary growth involves cellular growth outward (i.e. thickening the root). These thickened roots can become incredibly robust, underground branches. Annual secondary growth produces secondary xylem which although is dead, conducts water and provides strength. For the purposes of our experiment both their inflexibility and the slow growth of these roots deems them unsuitable.
So, we can’t use trees. Thankfully there are smaller vascular plants that grow faster and don’t need to invest time and resources in extensive, robust root systems to anchor large plant bodies. These shall be the plants for us. Fast growing smaller plants require fast growing roots and fast growing roots grow downward primary roots and then secondary lateral roots that increase surface area and anchorage. It is this branching mass of roots that would seem most suitable for our project.
Raven, JA & D Edwards. 2001. Roots: evolutionary origins and biogeochemical significance. J. Exp. Bot. 52, Roots Special Issue: 381-401
Sutton, RF & RW Tinus. 1983. Root and root system terminology. Forest Science Monograph 24 : 137.
So, we can’t use trees. Thankfully there are smaller vascular plants that grow faster and don’t need to invest time and resources in extensive, robust root systems to anchor large plant bodies. These shall be the plants for us. Fast growing smaller plants require fast growing roots and fast growing roots grow downward primary roots and then secondary lateral roots that increase surface area and anchorage. It is this branching mass of roots that would seem most suitable for our project.
Raven, JA & D Edwards. 2001. Roots: evolutionary origins and biogeochemical significance. J. Exp. Bot. 52, Roots Special Issue: 381-401
Sutton, RF & RW Tinus. 1983. Root and root system terminology. Forest Science Monograph 24 : 137.
Vascular Plant Roots – just what do they do?
Typical vascular plant roots are that part of the plant that remains underground. While both the upstairs stems and shoots and the downstairs roots are composed of lignified, vascular tissue, roots grow no leaves and therefore have no nodes. It is the vascular tissue that we are interested in Produce. Vascular tissues facilitate the transportation of nutrients and water throughout the plant. This allows vascular plants to grow to much larger sizes than primitive non-vascular plants, such as mosses and liverworts. It also provides a much more robust skeleton due to the strength provided by these conductive tissues.
Being the root system of a plant is no small thing. Just because kids will never climb you nor will you ever produce a perfectly ripe peach does not undermine your importance. You should know that. Roots are responsible for the uptake of water and all nonorganic nutrients for the plant. The second essential role the roots play is anchoring the plant body to the ground. The relationship between the roots and the terrestrial plant body is complicated and intimate. There are many subtle and complex feedback mechanisms that allow the plant to expand above ground when the root system is happy that there is enough below ground resources to support it.
Kenrick, P & P R Crane. (1997) The Origin and Early Diversification of Land Plants: A Cladistic Study. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press
Being the root system of a plant is no small thing. Just because kids will never climb you nor will you ever produce a perfectly ripe peach does not undermine your importance. You should know that. Roots are responsible for the uptake of water and all nonorganic nutrients for the plant. The second essential role the roots play is anchoring the plant body to the ground. The relationship between the roots and the terrestrial plant body is complicated and intimate. There are many subtle and complex feedback mechanisms that allow the plant to expand above ground when the root system is happy that there is enough below ground resources to support it.
Kenrick, P & P R Crane. (1997) The Origin and Early Diversification of Land Plants: A Cladistic Study. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press
How does it work?
The three stepper motors control each section of the mechanims. They are attached to gears which come into contact with gears attached to the stem of the product. Each motor is controlled separately so a variety of forms for the membrane is possible. The stepper motors are held up in the correct position by blocks of macrocarpa. The box that contains these is made of 5mm clear acrylic and the material for the structural skeleton for the product is made of 3mm clear acrylic. The rods in the shaft is 1.4mm and is in a 2.4mm rod which is inside of a 3.2mm aluminium rod.
Testing the membrane
Today we tested the membrane to see if our mechanism could change the shape of the membrane. The end form has some very interesting and strange qualities. The condom proved to be a good choice for the membrane. Clear is suited more in considering the entire composition of the machine.
latex membrane.
the mechanism with roots growing inside. the roots seem to be doing a good job of filling the space inside the structure.
the mechanism which has changed the form of the membrane. interesting and quite strange form created.
latex membrane.
the mechanism with roots growing inside. the roots seem to be doing a good job of filling the space inside the structure.
the mechanism which has changed the form of the membrane. interesting and quite strange form created.
Some images of the progress of our plants and collection of plants.
the mint is growing mint still.
looking to see what roots contained by a membrane looks like. The membrane is a silicone sheet which is a sufficient translucency but does not stretch as well as latex condoms.
Some roots binding together while growing which the desired effect we want to happen in our membranes.
the mint is growing mint still.
looking to see what roots contained by a membrane looks like. The membrane is a silicone sheet which is a sufficient translucency but does not stretch as well as latex condoms.
Some roots binding together while growing which the desired effect we want to happen in our membranes.
When deciding what our machine would create we decided to make electronic products. This is because the core to electronic products is defined by the circuitry and electrical components rather than the form of the object. This means that the form of the "casing" can be variable because the form follows its function.
We needed to incorporate a membrane around the machine to encase the roots and construct a constraint for them to grown inside.
The membrane could be attached to the discs that form the growth of the roots which expand and retract creating the desired shape.
At first we tried condoms and found the latex was stretchy and waterproof and worked well in creating the membrane we were looking for. We bought a range of types, extra big ones, regular, super thin and a range of colours to find the right one. The extra big ones were quite well sized but had a yellow tint to it. The super thins fit well and were a good translucency to see to the exterior. The coloured ones were not suited in considering the compositon of the machine as a whole, as they were red, green and orange in colour.
We also looked into fabric materials such as lycra and nylon. We found a small mesh sheet that held a form well but did not hold water well, which was the same problem with lycra.
silicone sheet made of bathroom sealant.
potential mesh to create skin for roots. the main problems were that it was not watertight and was not particularly stretchy.
The membrane could be attached to the discs that form the growth of the roots which expand and retract creating the desired shape.
At first we tried condoms and found the latex was stretchy and waterproof and worked well in creating the membrane we were looking for. We bought a range of types, extra big ones, regular, super thin and a range of colours to find the right one. The extra big ones were quite well sized but had a yellow tint to it. The super thins fit well and were a good translucency to see to the exterior. The coloured ones were not suited in considering the compositon of the machine as a whole, as they were red, green and orange in colour.
We also looked into fabric materials such as lycra and nylon. We found a small mesh sheet that held a form well but did not hold water well, which was the same problem with lycra.
silicone sheet made of bathroom sealant.
potential mesh to create skin for roots. the main problems were that it was not watertight and was not particularly stretchy.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Interface - control
The electronic control for the 3D printer is composed of four central components - the processing computer based software, the arduino board controller, the stepper motor controller and the motors.The processing code provides an easy to use interface for which to control the shape of the appertures. This processing code talks via a usb serial interface to the arduino board which interprets the control messages and provides the nessesary low power digital control signals to the motor control board.
This board provides amplification of the control signals to the approriate voltage for the stepper motors to move. High precision and high torque stepper motors create the final movement to the gears which, in turn move the appertures to the correct positions.
This board provides amplification of the control signals to the approriate voltage for the stepper motors to move. High precision and high torque stepper motors create the final movement to the gears which, in turn move the appertures to the correct positions.
Monday, June 15, 2009
This is mint, actually.
After growing a variety of plants hydroponically such as mint, parsley,
We chose to use mint as our encasing material as it had the most ablilty take on form due to its dense and strong root structure. It was also the most interesting looking with long white roots,a good growth to time ratio and also smelt quite delicious. Other added advantages were affordability and accessibility. It seemed like an ideal material to grow products in your home with.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
GUI Interface
The GUI interface has been created using Processing. This is the start up screen.
The selected port is displayed in the top-left corner . You can use the up and down arrow keys to select the port the 3D-printer is connected to.
The centre screen shows graphical representations of the 3 aperture devices used to control the envelope. The interface has been configured for three, and six-pin apertures only.
Different apertures can expand to different sizes. This screen shot show each aperture type expanded to its maximum diameter.
The selected port is displayed in the top-left corner . You can use the up and down arrow keys to select the port the 3D-printer is connected to.
The centre screen shows graphical representations of the 3 aperture devices used to control the envelope. The interface has been configured for three, and six-pin apertures only.
Different apertures can expand to different sizes. This screen shot show each aperture type expanded to its maximum diameter.
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